While grief is normal and natural, most of the information passed on within our society about dealing with grief is not normal, natural or helpful. Grief is the emotional response to loss, but most of the information we have learned about dealing with loss is intellectual.
The majority of incorrect ideas about dealing with loss can be summed up in six myths which are infused in our culture. Most people have never questioned whether or not they are valid. This misinformation is best described by the following: “Time heals” creates the idea that a person just has to wait, as time passes they will start to feel better. We have known people who’ve waited 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, and still didn’t feel better. They would tell you that not only had time not healed them, but that it had compounded their pain. The other five myths carry equally unhelpful messages.
We have learned to cope and get beyond our sadness and pain from a culture that is uncomfortable with and uncertain as to how to respond to grief and loss. There are at least six myths which we have learned to say in order to comfort the grieving person. We are told:
Time heals
Don’t feel bad…he’s not in pain anymore, etc.
Replace the loss
Grieve alone
Be strong for others
Keep busy
Not one of these myths address your broken heart.
The Grief Recovery Method® Support Group or individual sessions provides the correct action choices that help people move beyond the pain caused by loss. It is a program which creates a safe environment in which to look at old beliefs about dealing with loss; to look at what losses have affected your life; and to take new actions which lead to the completion of the pain attached to one of those losses.
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker as well as a certified Grief Recovery Specialist trained in The Grief Recovery Method®. I offer a 6-8 week program (either group or individual sessions) which will help people move beyond the pain caused by loss. This includes pet bereavement and how to help children grieve.
The Grief Recovery Method® Support Group is not an occasional drop-in group. For the safety and success of all participants, commitment and attendance are essential.
If you have experienced one or more losses, and you wish to move beyond the pain, this program offers you the probability of a richer and more rewarding life.
For more information about the program please contact me.